Monday, July 03, 2006

2 Times The Love (In Your Heart): A Lionelle Richie-esque Love Song

When the seads of your love
Grow From My Heart
I can feel the beating of desire
Heavy Metal love from the start

When the rain from heaven
Comes down cold and hard
I flash some courage and handsome
If yer a short bus, I'm your retard

Cause you got 2x the love in your heart
take me to the car you will staaaarrrrt
With the love gas.........from your heart!

Cause you got 2x the love in your heart
My dreams a reality in truth-------
God you're the Whinny Cooper of my yoooouth
Thank you, thank you for my troouuusser dart.....

When will the passion grow old
Its when time builds a supernova
Of love dense in the space of my heart
Racing through like Tony Soprano on a Vespa

Oh kitten scratch on your post
Drop your Iams in the litter of my love
Your love and droppings i'm proud to host
Oh kitten sniper drop your bullets of love from above....

Cause you got 2x the love in your heart
take me to the car you will staaaarrrrt
With the love gas.........from your heart!

Cause you got 2x the love in your heart
My dreams a reality in truth-------
God you're the Whinny Cooper of my yoooouth
Thank you, thank you for my troouuusser dart.....

OK, SO THATS MY FIRST LOVESONG CONTRIBUTION TO THE SITE. $20 TO THE FIRST PERSON / BAND THAT ACTUALLY WRITES MUSIC TO THE PIECE. I WILL TAKE A LIVE PERFORMANCE OR DIGITAL RECORDING FOR ACTUAL PROOF. So do you think it kinda trails off in the end. Did it go a little wierd? Damnit. Love is crazy. Like a kitten in a cow store.

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