Friday, March 02, 2007

What Can Brown Do For You??

So about a week ago decided it was time to see a show in LA. I figured that after a month of blaring all my favorite music from my sunroof it was time for the real deal. I prayed that there would be some show that raised my eyebrows, legs, and cronodancing (see our flicker pics, i am sure cronodancing is in there some where...Who's world is this?) So am searching and what do I see? Not only in the next month or two but 3 days away (crica 3 days ago). P.S. "US Blues" just came on (yay). Anyway Karl Denson was playing tonight at The Mint in Beverly Hills. Holy fuck, he is one of the best shows around. I have seen him at bonaroo, 9:30 club, some tiny place in VA, BB Kings in NYC, and The Blue Note. This guy tears it up. So I went. My first Left Coast Music.

Not that the place was a dump but it was more like the mint pictured above than the main ingredient for a Mojito. I get to the place and it is about the size of my rich friends basement. Ther are approximatly 59 people in the place and I was 2 feet from the stage watching Karl Denson set up his own rig. I have only seen him at places with 1000 plus fans and out here I am all the sudden steps from the stage. Ha Ha people don't know shit for music out here. Well not other than Fallout Boy Crapola (have any of you seen the worst commercial for Verison V cast with the meathead jamming to fallout boy. Fuck whow! I don't want anything that guy likes). Anyhow he jammed with this group of boys half his age that he found in New Orleans. Benny D Band. There was a hippy couple both wearing skirts dancing and rolling around onthe floor in a ture monument to homeless setbreak lifestyle. Minutes before the show I chiefed the last of my crunchies. Danced like a fool it was great. About half way through the show I realized something crazy. Karl Denson was the only person in the entire room that I had ever seen or met before. Kinda crazy to realize that. I had drank 3 buds with Beam Back's.

I met some Americans during Setbreak. One offered to chief me out in the street and we were fast friends. 4 Sesh's later we went back in. Zimbabwe. Anyhow I said hi to Karl and drank a Guiness with him at the bar and he apprecitated being my only other friend. Well I atleast told him to. Second set I danced like a cat in a cole mine. Fun shit. I got a crononumber and had a fun show. Karl was wearing a UPS jacket the whole second set and I kept yelling "What Can Brown Do for you. I think everyone thought I was bing racist. I wasn't you know. Barely made it home but some sunchips helped guide the way and here I am speaking the beam out of the truth. Damn it was fun. Say hi to Karl:


stantonandorchard said...

dude, nice urinal freshener. is that what ya'll smoke out there?

"yeah homey, roll up some of that freshness..."

EmployeeMegan said...

you're welcome for the welcome. and it looks like you're already getting into it!