Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Break on Through....to the 150 side

So I have officially settled into my new life here. All assetts acquired for my left coast survival. This week is my first official week of having some fun as an official resident. Went to San Diego last weekend to visit my boy Jeffe (pronounced heffe) and let loose. Good times. Played a bunch of panic and chief'd a good bit. I was really starting to think about how nice it was blasting some Widespread Panic in this beachy atmosphere. Now hipsters, please bear with me. I know Panic isn't the hot shit on the LES but that doesn't mean shit. Even Bobsled does not like the Panic but i don't give a shit. I do. Anyhow, they are starting the spring tour of my dreams. Problem is, they waited till i moved out here. Fucking Karma, knew it would catch me. Anyhow I drafted this letter, begging for a West Coast Tour, and sent it to them last week:

Dear Brown Cat,

Please please send Panic out to California soon! I just moved from the East Coast to LA to find out that you are making the spring tour of my dreams. Hitting all my favorite spots (RICHMOND!! DC, Raleigh) and I all all the way out here. Damn you. Now I have to buy a plane ticket.

Since moving here it is like a dream, I drive around with sunroof open every day blaring my Panic. Not sure what your fan base is out here but it is inevitably growing as I plast Portsmoth, VA 05 at rediculous levels everywhere I go. Anyway, this place is so conducive to Panic that I just can't stop playin' it. Get out here! I need to see some California presence ASAP. I know a few others that are dying out here. Make it happen, we are here!

Captain Handsome

First off, their management team is called Brown Cat. C'mon friends, you know that is just too good to be true (note gratuitus cat love on the HBCC). They actually wrote me back the same day, now that is love:

Widespread has played shows in previous tours out in California. The weather sounds like it is beautiful there as well! Although, they won’t make it that far for their Spring tour, keep checking the website for their summer tour which should be posted sometime by the end of April!

Take care, Brown Cat

Either way, if they do come out here I take full responsibility. So anyway, moving on, I spent a nice full day at the beach Sunday. Blazed right in public with the other 1,000 people doing the same. Got to love how accepting the lovely state of California is. About 3 o'clock I was fried like the little East Coast Whiteboy that I am. Sooooo it was off to the beach bar! Met up with a couple of Aussie's that just flew in and thus the day drunk was on. I haven't drank during the day for some time now and doing it on the beach while freely blazing was just marvelous. Next thing I know we meet some ladies and off the hook we became. To make matters better a shitty Doors Cover Band setup and started playing loud as shit right as we started breaking shit. 2 glasses went down almost immediatly. Down I mean down on the floor....splat. The waitress didn't care too much as she was trying to deal with the hord of Bikers that began to take over the bar and break even more stuff. Oh, it was good fun. Ended the night having a session on the beach with the ladies and watching the sun go down. Here are some pics of some rediculous long hair time warper and the blazin' sunset. Come visit soon. Happy 150th post!


dmbmeg said...

With or without WSP, this post really makes me want to move to Cali. Sigh.

stantonandorchard said...

jeezuz that beach picture is fucking brilliant. your choice in music still baffles me and frankly im just jealous of your new friends so id say they stink, but glad to know youre being proactive about shit and writing letters of justice and whatnot.

is 'brown cat' codename for H?

Captain Handsome said...

yeah it rocks out here. definitly miss NYC and will never ever associate my handsomeness with anything but the hatten. and bobsled, i believe you might be correct. those guys are a bunch of old ass partiers.