Don't rush into thought. Take a moment and just ease into it. Put your hands on your hips, cock your head back 5 degrees and gaze deeply into the sunset. It will come. Deep Thought. I know most of you out there have not had a deep thought in probably the last.........birth. Seriously, do you remember the last time you were lost in your deepest Thought Chambers? I hadn't visited in quite some time until recently. That is why you have not seen any handsome post's lately, as this most certainly isn't a venue for deep thought. But here are some great venue's for deep thought and meditation that I found over the past 2 weeks:
1) Williamsburg Waterfront - Errr....warehouse space......errrr hipster cracktown......errrr hidden gem. I took my first hike through the barren Paradise of Perfect last Sunday. Start your trip out to this Graffitti Cementarium (pronounced Cem-ment-airy-um) by cruising down Delancey and over the Williamsburg Bridge. It provides some fantastic view's of the city and assorted Brooklynites making deep heartfelt documentaries for our times. I met Bob Worthienstein who was making a documentary of the FDR for his pet hamster. Great Guy. Anyhow, the Waterfront, especially along Kent Street, is one of the last untoched bastians for deep thought in this city. I am not sure what it is but there is some serious Feel to the place. You feel like you are totally alone and possibly the last person on the planet. Until you look up into what looks like a deserted warehouse and there you see a retarded nice apartment. Or turn a corner to find a skate shop with a dope ass half pipe... where you realize that there is actually life out here. I recommend the floral couch located in the overflowing dumpster on 11th street for the deepest of thoughts.
Deep thought rating: 3 Joints!2) 99 Miles to Philly - Welllllllll what the hell. I decided that on my 2nd ever trip to this East Village (3rd Ave. Between 12th and 13th st) Cheesesteak Haven I would go for a Zen Experience. I enjoyed my first trip there but didn't feel like the complete fat, fuck, lazy, shit waste after eating my steak sandwich like I do after a Karl's Cheesesteak. Sooooo I, readers please don't judge, decided to eat 2 cheesesteaks. Hmm, how do I describe this...... sitting in a rickity little cheesesteak shop with my belt unbuttoned and unable to walk for 25 minutes after finishing my meal........and do it justice. Hmmm. Ah Ha! I was in deep thought!
Deep thought Rating: 1 Blunt
3) Barker Lounger - You know, chillin in the living room with no job. That shit gets deep! Deep Thought Rating: Argyle!
Sooooo I just got word that the BDC "Brooklyn Drinkers Club" is challenging the HBCC to a drink off. Can you believe this? To me this is the equivelant to the Japanese Bombing Pearl Harbor. HBCC of course being the honorable sleeping beast known world wide as AMERICA! Remember what happened when such audacity reared its head in the past. Did someone say Nagasaki. Stay tuned for updates on this breaking story!
HEY!! those are MY socks asshole...seriously
Ok ok, don't be accusing me of stealing socks or nuthin. cause i don't do that shit. Remember the night i passed out on the futon and you made me go and do shit the next day and i was like, dude i am fucken broken. i need some new socks cause i stepped on some nasty shit on your floor and you gave me those socks to wear. well, i washed them again and wore them a 2nd time. yes, i am not a good person. i will get them back to you ASAP! thanks for the comment bobcock
gross. you guys share socks? do you share women and underwear too?
actually, i was wondering whose underwear this is that I have on...capt? did you use to have a purple thong with lace around the edges?
stop. the thought of grown men sharing bodily fluids and purple thongs is turning me on.
i only wear cotton Hanes Her way. No lace. Just Function.
Senor Sexy, I am gonna share some fluid ass moves when I whoop your ass later.
Serciously though, I do love to seceretly use your toothbrush whenever I come over to your house Bobsled. I tried to do it to Senor Sexy but he doesn't have a toothbrush
um....I'm actually at his house right now...and he really is wearing that purple thong...but it's backwards. Gross.
a party?!?!? can i come? i'm fun!
Good. It's probably the best food in all of Los Angeles. It's EXCELLENT!
Of course you can!
i'll come as long as it isn't a panty party. i only like to show my panties to a very special select group of guys. and my dad. wait, nevermind. she doesn't want a panty party. It's settled then. No panties allowed at the party.
what? i'm so going to get molested at this party aren't i?
Actually most people should be quasi safe. Just watch out for this creepy guy named Dave that might stop by....
drinking club...drink off....please xplain...i am so happy at the thought...
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